City Resources & Information
Neighborhood Relations
Our Property Oversight liaison is Irving Meyer.
Please reach out to him via our general email:
Property Oversight Guidelines
- When, where and what time trash receptacles should be placed and removed from in front of properties
- Maintenance of exteriors and front yards
- Reporting abandoned vehicles
- Reinforcing RV parking rules within the Square
- Construction zones and placement of porta potties.
See Something — Do Something
You may have noticed increased gang graffiti on Venice and
Washington Boulevards.
Gangs tag to claim territory for criminal activity.
When you see graffiti, please follow this link to request graffiti
removal, and the City will remove it! It’s easy and it helps.
Help keep our neighborhood beautiful.
Community Relations

Heather Hutt, Councilwoman
Council District 10
Los Angeles City Council District 10 (CD10)
MINC – Mid City Neighborhood Council, a group of local neighborhood associations whose purpose is to present issues
to the city and county governing agencies for resolution.
HPOZ Information
City Planning and Zoning

Bradley Furuya
Department of City Planning’s Office of Historic Resources
(213) 978-1218
LAPD – Wilshire Division
To look up our Senior Lead Officer (SLO) —
Visit this page on
And scroll down to the “Senior Lead Officers” section to row “7A85″ for our SLO’s contact information.
Wilshire Community Police Station
Front Desk Phone Number
(213) 473-0476
4861 W. Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90019